
by Golan Levin @ 7:59 am 10 January 2011

In addition to the introductory gauntlet, there will be four major projects this semester: three guided explorations and one self-directed capstone project:

  1. Gauntlet. Due Wednesday January 12.
  2. Visualization. Due Wednesday January 26.
  3. Augmentation. Due Monday February 21.
  4. Simulation/Generation. Due March 21 & 23.
  5. Self-Directed Capstone Project. Due April 20 & 25.

In addition to the four principal projects, you will also be expected to:

  • “Looking Outwards” blog entries.
  • Contribute helpful comments.


Grades are based on the quality, ambition, and evident care of your work, and on the value you contribute to the classroom environment: your comments, productive feedback, active participation, assistance to others and overall citizenship during class sessions. Your work will be evaluated on its conceptual originality, its aesthetic strengths, and how well it demonstrates an understanding of the topic. Feedback will be primarily qualitative but numeric scores will also be given for all projects. Appropriate documentation of your assignments must be uploaded to our website before the beginning of class on its due date. Projects submitted after their due date generally forfeit their opportunity to be critiqued, and will lose 5 points per class session of lateness.

Our grading system uses a total of 100 ‘points’ for the semester and shall work as follows:

  • 5 points | Project 1 (Mini-Gauntlet)
  • 10 points | Eight ‘Looking Outwards’ Assignments
  • 15 points | Project 2 (Information Visualization)
  • 15 points | Project 3 (Augmentation / Interaction)
  • 10 points | Project 4 
(Simulation / Morphogenesis)
  • 30 points | Project 5 (Self-Directed Capstone Project)
  • 15 points | Citizenship and Participation

Remember: 80% of life is just showing up. Every two unexcused absences will lower your final grade by an additional letter. If you’re ill, or if you know you will have a planned/professional absence, please let me know before the beginning of that class session. I can be contacted here.

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