Zach Rispoli

15 Jan 2015

Hi everybody,

I’m Zach Rispoli and I’m currently a sophmore art and computer science student at CMU, planning on applying to the BCSA program next semester. My work is mostly internet-based and focuses on the intersection of technology and the supernatural. I’m also interested in the strange and distrubing new forms of surveillance that are now possible with the internet.

This semester in IACD I hope to complete some projects that require some specific technical aspects that I can’t do on my own, and also to experiment with new ideas and collaborate with other students.


A prior project:

Screen Shot 2015-01-15 at 12.30.07 AM

Google Earth: Biblical Accuracy Mode is a satirical expansion to Google Earth in which the simulation of the earth strictly adheres to biblical scripture. The program runs in a browser using Three.js and has a small website disguised as an offical Google webpage.


This structure of the earth was proposed in 1893 as an updated version of the flat earth theory that could still exist with physics at the time.

The project is meant to seem confusing and absurd, and to maybe convince others to think more skeptically about the power of Google and other giant tech companies.