
21 Jan 2015

Point Cloud from James Leng on Vimeo.


Point Cloud by James Leng is a kinetic sculpture that was created to visualize weather data in real time.  The complex motion is created by servo mechanisms within the meshed geometry.  The created wire mesh allows for complex mechanical relationships between the points of actuation. Then conceptual basis for the project was the observation that most of the weather data that is circulated today is vastly over simplified.  Many meteorological phenomenon are documented through simple numbers within a constructed scale.  These scale lack any greater context or perception.  The sculpture begins to critically question the relationship to data and the physical world we inhabit.  So much of our visualization for data exists in “flat” representations which are both limiting and often ineffective.  However, there are a few critical issues with this specific work.  The relationship between the data and the movement is not clear.  The actual visualization of the data is not effective, although it’s efforts to depart from flat representations are admirable.  This project provides an excellent example of how data can be brought into our very physical and dynamic world.  Leng’s architectural background was a huge inspiration to the piece.  The way in which it was constructed is the very essence of how digital geometries are created and modeled.


INTERNET TOPOGRAPHY 2011 from art of failure on Vimeo.


Internet Topography by Art of Failure is a project that seeks to visually represent data that is not detectible by human sensory.  The project functions by taking a signal and sending it out through a network.  The sound is then routed back to it’s source via the specific network.  The signal from the network is very similar to the original although it contains all of the anomalies and echoes created by the network structure.  This essentially then gives a sonar like image of the digital infrastructure.  The received data is then processed in a generative way, which then creates a physical “map” of the network.  This project is conceptually important in that it contributes something that is totally imperceptible otherwise.  The installation is a critical mediator between us and the digital environment which we spend so much of our time interacting with.  Although the installation is very immersive and complete, I do think that it could be a great opportunity to reach further into the physical world.  Means for this could be any variety of mechanical actuations or possibly mapped content into real space.  Art of failure has an extensive portfolio which revolves around bringing hidden forces to light.  The vast majority of their projects explore the web and virtual worlds, although several projects are more physical.  (Flat Earth Society)  Sound is the main vehicle for their explorations, although most of their explorations involve translations into present geometry.  This becomes a sort of “enhanced cymatics” that begins to reach spacial scale.  (See examples of cymatics for possible source of inspiration)