Paul Peng

22 Jan 2014

My assigned letter was T. My chosen letter was P. I chose P because both of my names begin with that letter.

and another one.

My animation of the T was inspired by the motion in which one writes the letter as well as the idea of change as perception. What I sought to represent was not the entirety of the T, but the essence of the T. It turned out exactly as I planned, which was nice. Sketches:

My original plan for the P was to make the “head” of it bounce up and down, but I ended up coming up with a bunch of cool other ideas as well. A lot of them involved rotation, but when I began coding I decided that I didn’t want to learn how to use rotation in anitype. So I went to this other idea of the back of the head of the P popping off and the rest of it sliding down the body and it would have been pretty cool but I ended up not doing that idea either. So I ended up doing the bouncing up and down thing, but then I moved the “tail” of the P to the side and realized it kind of looked like a sliding door. So I kept the “tail” to the side and had the tail move instead of the head, so it was like a sliding door being opened and slammed shut repeatedly. Then I made a less slammy version where the head of the P moves away from the tail as it goes up. I couldn’t decide which of the two to publish so I published neither. I probably should have published both.

I really like this one. It’s like you have the Y and then the top part of the Y is all “goodbye” and you’re like “oh”.



 * Register your submission and choose a character
 * For more information check out the documentation
Anitype.register('T', {
  // Enter your name
  author: 'paulpeng',
  // Enter a personal website, must have http
  website: '',
  // Make your animation here
  construct: function(two, points) {
    // Reference to instance
    var anitype = this;
    // Create a Two.Polygon
    var polygon = anitype.makePolygon(points);
    // Create some constants
    var interval = 1/10.0;
    var x0 = polygon.vertices[0].x;
    var y0 = polygon.vertices[0].y;
    var x1 = polygon.vertices[1].x;
    var x2 = polygon.vertices[2].x;
    var y3 = polygon.vertices[3].y;
    // Set an initial state
    polygon.vertices[1].set(x0, y0);
    polygon.vertices[2].set(x0, y0);
    polygon.vertices[3].set(x0, y0);
    // Create the animation via a tween
    anitype.addTween(polygon.vertices[0], {
      to: { x : x1 },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Exponential.InOut,
      duration: 4*interval,
      start: 0
    anitype.addTween(polygon.vertices[1], {
      to: { x : x1 },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Exponential.InOut,
      duration: 4*interval,
      start: 2*interval
    anitype.addTween(polygon.vertices[2], {
      to: { x : x2 },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Exponential.In,
      duration: 2*interval,
      start: 2*interval
    anitype.addTween(polygon.vertices[3], {
      to: { x : x2 },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Exponential.In,
      duration: 2*interval,
      start: 2*interval
    anitype.addTween(polygon.vertices[2], {
      to: { y : y3 },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Exponential.Out,
      duration: 3*interval,
      start: 4*interval
    anitype.addTween(polygon.vertices[3], {
      to: { y : y3 },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Exponential.Out,
      duration: 3*interval,
      start: 7*interval
    // Return your polygon wrapped in a group.
    return two.makeGroup(polygon);
 * Register your submission and choose a character
 * For more information check out the documentation
Anitype.register('P', {
  // Enter your name
  author: 'paulpeng',
  // Enter a personal website, must have http
  website: '',
  // Make your animation here
  construct: function(two, points) {
    // Reference to instance
    var anitype = this;
    // Create a Two.Polygon
    var polygon = anitype.makePolygon(points);
    var p_head = anitype.makePolygon([polygon.vertices[6], polygon.vertices[2], polygon.vertices[3],
                                      polygon.vertices[4], polygon.vertices[5], polygon.vertices[6]]);
    var p_tail = anitype.makePolygon([polygon.vertices[0], polygon.vertices[1]]);
    p_tail.translation.x -= 50;
    var taily = p_tail.translation.y;
    var dy = polygon.vertices[0].y - polygon.vertices[1].y;
    var dif = polygon.vertices[1].y - polygon.vertices[2].y;
    p_tail.vertices[1].y -= dif - (p_tail.vertices[0].y - p_tail.vertices[1].y);
    anitype.addTween(p_tail.translation, {
      to: { y : taily - dy },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut,
      duration: 0.75,
      start: 0,
        anitype.addTween(p_tail.translation, {
          to: { y : taily },
          easing: Anitype.Easing.Elastic.Out,
          duration: 0.25,
          start: 0.75
    // Return your polygon wrapped in a group.
    return two.makeGroup(p_head, p_tail);
 * Register your submission and choose a character
 * For more information check out the documentation
Anitype.register('P', {
  // Enter your name
  author: 'paulpeng',
  // Enter a personal website, must have http
  website: '',
  // Make your animation here
  construct: function(two, points) {
    // Reference to instance
    var anitype = this;
    // Create a Two.Polygon
    var polygon = anitype.makePolygon(points);
    var p_head = anitype.makePolygon([polygon.vertices[6], polygon.vertices[2], polygon.vertices[3],
                                      polygon.vertices[4], polygon.vertices[5], polygon.vertices[6]]);
    var p_tail = anitype.makePolygon([polygon.vertices[0], polygon.vertices[1]]);
    p_tail.translation.x -= 25;
    p_head.translation.x += 25;
    var taily = p_tail.translation.y;
    var headx = p_head.translation.x;
    var dy = polygon.vertices[0].y - polygon.vertices[1].y;
    var dif = polygon.vertices[1].y - polygon.vertices[2].y;
    //p_tail.vertices[1].y -= dif - (p_tail.vertices[0].y - p_tail.vertices[1].y);
    anitype.addTween(p_tail.translation, {
      to: { y : taily - dif },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut,
      duration: 0.5,
      start: 0,
        anitype.addTween(p_tail.translation, {
          to: { y : taily },
          easing: Anitype.Easing.Exponential.InOut,
          duration: 0.5,
          start: 0.5
    anitype.addTween(p_head.translation, {
      to: { x : headx + dif/2 },
      easing: Anitype.Easing.Sinusoidal.InOut,
      duration: 0.5,
      start: 0,
        anitype.addTween(p_head.translation, {
          to: { x : headx },
          easing: Anitype.Easing.Exponential.InOut,
          duration: 0.5,
          start: 0.5
    // Return your polygon wrapped in a group.
    return two.makeGroup(p_head, p_tail);