Alex Sciuto

04 Feb 2015


Frieder Nake

In researching this blog post, I came across the work of Frieder Nake, one of the first artists to use the computer as an artistic medium. I was particularly drawn to Nake’s generative pieces, three of which are above. Logically, these are simple programs that could be written in processing pretty easily, but artistically, they are striking. Golan mentioned the Ira Glass quotation, and wikipedia notes that Nake made between three and four hundred of these small projects in the five years between 1964 and 1965. I also think that Nake is worth mentioning because of how he was influenced by modern painting. He had a series named “Homage to Paul Klee.”

Myla Fay’s How I Feel

Myla Fay is a friend of mine, and today she wrote an article about the difference between how she looks and how she feels like. Accompanying the article are her drawings of how she looks and how she feels she looks. I think it’s an interesting generative art project because it mines her personal emotions for data that she then translates into simple drawings. It quickly shows how her physical self stays the same while her perception of her self wildly changes. Using low-detail outlines abstracts her experience so that the viewer can perhaps see themselves in the drawings or see how societal pressures apply to many people. I think this is the kernel of a bigger project, and I hope that Myla pursues looking at ways to illustrate the difference between reality and perception when it comes to body issues on such a personal level.