
11 Mar 2015

Whale Hunt
Whale Hunt by Jonathen Harris is sequence of photographs. The sequence is matched to his hearbeat when he was watching the incident. What interests me in this project: 1. Jonathan Harris created an interactive interface different modes where the viewer can pick a photograph and then watch the incident with help of a timeline, a pinwheel mode and Mosaic mode where all photographs shown in chronological order. 2. The data is overlaid with his perception of the event(heartbeat) 3. Data visualisation is to relieve a moment in time lived by the creator.

Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 12.31.14 AM

Reference: http://www.number27.org/whalehunt

Skin Deep
Skin deep uses 3d portraits of body as canvas. Viewers participate in the art piece to paint the portrait in collaborative manner. I find this project interesting because it’s like taking a 3D selfie which is layered by perception of other people have for you. The project makes me think of a “collaborative selfie” or an image of self which is built by a collective perception of society for you

Skin Deep – Collaborative Self Portraits from Animishmish on Vimeo.
