Daily Archives: 31 Jan 2013


31 Jan 2013

Lets start with this delicious piece of generative animation and sound.

Partitura 001 from Quayola on Vimeo.

Partitura 001 by Quayola is by far one of the most aestetcally creative, interesting and beautiful things I have seen in an long time. Maybe it’s because I don’t always see generative works of such precision and graphic luster. The linear horizontal composition makes this very painting-analogous and I am drawn to such a visually dominant piece. This dominance takes me by surprise as it is challenged by the ever increasing volume and complexity of the audio score that it is being generated from. Just excellent work.

Bicycle Built for Two Thousand from Aaron Koblin on Vimeo.

This is a combo, Data-vis and Generative work because of the collection of voices and the compilation of these with a program to generate the average and compile the song. I really love the crowd source element and the overall concept and execution were done well. I think that this should be a single element in an on-going series or apart of a bigger piece (installation?). 2280352327_99a0fb2bcc_b

Above is a still from Leander Herzog’s Lasercutter works. The flowing lines are nothing new, but the repeated execution through the album is very nice. I think I am drawn to topographical elements on top of existing topography because it calls to question the cause  and purpose the lines play with the ‘lumpy’ form of the wooden surface. Good stuff. Check out the whole thing before you get off the site!