aahdee – yeen – BarcodeProject


What’s a better way to partake in C A P I T A L I S M besides buying products? That’s right, becoming the product! With this new *~swanky~* application, just input basic information about yourself and obtain your product code! You can put this label anywhere on your body so that anyone from Big Brother can scan it at anytime to know the quick facts about you! Don’t worry about the lower classes rising up and closing your tabs, your data will always be available just where you left it! Just remember to put the label in an easy to reach and convenient place, because under C A P I T A L I S M time is money, and as a product your worth is based on how quickly you can do tasks. So come on down, get rid of that name that’s either so ubiquitous it is an inconvenience or so hard to pronounce and thus an inconvenience, and grab your new brand new unique product code!

lumar + greecus barcode project

Symphony of Geagle lanes

(abbridged demo with single Entropy lane)

Checking out to the theme of Game Of Thrones from Marisa Lu on Vimeo.


Greecus and Lumar imagined a whole row of checkout lanes in the grocery store all playing to the same timeline, each item checked out playing the next note in the song.

Unfortunately, Giant Eagle said they were ‘private property’ and would have to ‘contact corporate for permission’.

(The video here had the beeps overlaid on top because it’s actually rather difficult for a single person to scan things quickly enough for the music to work. The original concept for all the lanes to work in unison doesn’t work so well with a single entropy employee)

inspired by a New York turnstiles project


The initial concept was to create a jigsaw puzzle game you can play by scanning barcodes in a certain sequence. The idea was to give a sneak preview of a part of an image(“a puzzle piece”) by scanning a single barcode, and have people piece together the whole image.

To generate the barcodes that correspond to the pieces of an image, we converted an image to ascii code (pixel shade -> char), and split the ascii into strings that were encoded into barcodes for printing, using code-128. Ideally the order of the image pieces will be scrambled. The video shows how the barcode scanning in a specific order reconstructs the whole image.

We thought of various ways of revealing the image pieces encoded in the barcodes. Right now the program continuously appends the decoded image piece from left to right, top to bottom. Another way is to show the most recently scanned image piece on a ‘clue’ canvas, and have parts of the image only revealed on an ‘puzzle’ canvas when two adjacent puzzle pieces were scanned one after the other.

This interaction concept could be expanded to create a drawing tool. The barcode scanner would act as a paintbrush, and the sequences of barcodes would act as a palette. Scanning certain barcodes in a specific order would create unique image patterns, gradients, or edges, which could be combined to paint a picture.

Project Glitch Link 



Robot Ouija Board

Robots are often thought to be deterministic beings devoid of spiritual practice. However, as physical subjects, they share our timely limit bound to this mortal coil. Who is to say they lack the yearning to communicate beyond the earthly plane to their dead brethren? Not us. In fact, we should support them if they so desire.

Robots should be able to use Ouija boards. As everyone knows, robots read in their native language, barcode. As everyone also knows, Ouija boards operate through the ideomotor phenomenon. This phenomenon expresses our subconscious (our best connection to the dead) and requires that users be able to read the text as they perform the ceremony.

Therefore, we built a robot Ouija board. It is similar to a normal Ouija board except that the letters, 0 (for “no”) and 1 (for “yes”) are in barcode. The planchette carries the start and end characters. It occasionally aligns with characters causing the robot vision sensors (modeled in our video with a bar code scanner) to read the character. Through this action, they build their message.


Arialy & Dorsek – BarcodeProject


Ever thought hangman is too easy? The strategy of calling out common letters first– a vowel, s, or t, is predictable. But what if you couldn’t guess any letter? What if you could only guess… letters you scanned with a bar code reader?

Our project is  barcode hangman– you can only guess the letters that you scan! Play against the computer or friend and see whether or not luck is in your favor, or if you can find enough barcodes to scan to get to your desired letters. For additional incentive, the words will form a barcode pun after ever round.


Jackalope and I played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon with a barcode controller we made from printed barcode text taped sloppily to a piece of paper and some human-unusable key bindings to a DS emulator.

This setup is with many, many disadvantages. Any game that requires sustained key holding to be playable is out. Any game with any timing requirement is out. Games with multiple simultaneous button presses are out, unless we create barcodes for every such button combination. Games that are just plain long and tedious by themselves are also out. And quite frankly, the barcode reader we use is terrible and has a success rate of about 50%.

On the other hand, this setup made diagonal movement much easier since we created distinct barcodes for diagonal input. This was particularly noteworthy in Mystery Dungeon, where diagonal movement is strategically noteworthy in contrast to the mediocre abilities of the DS to detect simultaneous button presses. Complicated button sequences could also be simplified by printing longer barcodes.

barcode – conye, joshua kerry, takos

Scan your id to get your alternate identity!

This project was made using p5.js, the randomuser API and a barcode scanner. We envision this project as a way for people to treat their state issued ids as a portal to an alternate, digital self!

We also imagined that, because each id is mapped to one and only one other alternate self, the user might have to take care of this alternate self by scanning other items, and if they fail to take care of it properly, the alternate self will die. Furthermore, this self cannot be brought back to life because most people only have one state-issued id.