
1. Your Line or Mine – Crowd sourced animation installation

  • Explain the project in a sentence or two (what it is, how it operates, etc.);

Each visitor can draw on a piece of paper and their drawings are combined into an animation. There are both visual and textual hints on the paper telling visitors what to draw, but visitors can also ignore them.

  • Explain what inspires you about the project (i.e. what you find interesting or admirable);

I think the most interesting part is the dots on the image. Even though the visitors often improvise, they almost always incorporate the dots in their drawings in some way. Therefore the resultant animation still looks continuous, since the path of the dots are predetermined. I think this is a smart choice.

  • Critique the project: describe how it might have been more effective; discuss some of the intriguing possibilities that it suggests, or opportunities that it missed; explain what you think the creator(s) got right, and how they got it right.

I think dots are enough, so maybe the textual hint can be removed since users don’t follow it anyways. I’m curious to see how this effects users’ creativity.

  • Research the project’s chain of influences. Dig up the ‘deep background’, and compare the project with related work or prior art, if appropriate. What sources inspired the creator this project? What was “their” Looking Outwards?

I think it is closely related to the project where everyone tries to trace the previous line, but looks at the “crowd-sourced drawing” idea from a different perspective.


2. fridgemoji


  • Explain the project in a sentence or two (what it is, how it operates, etc.);

This is an online interactive fridge where users can place food (emojis).

  • Explain what inspires you about the project (i.e. what you find interesting or admirable);

This project showed up on’s front page one day. It seems to be like a demo, but I like the simplicity. I also admire the fact that there’s no apparent goal, and users just add and rearrange items, which is very much like the communal fridges at CMU Gates.

  • Critique the project: describe how it might have been more effective; discuss some of the intriguing possibilities that it suggests, or opportunities that it missed; explain what you think the creator(s) got right, and how they got it right.

The food I placed there a couple of weeks ago disappeared. Maybe it is because the app doesn’t have persistent storage.

  • Research the project’s chain of influences. Dig up the ‘deep background’, and compare the project with related work or prior art, if appropriate. What sources inspired the creator this project? What was “their” Looking Outwards?

I think real fridges as well as the internet’s use of emojis inspired the artist.