I was inspired by Philipp Schmitt’s Camera Restricta who used geotagging to make a camera that only allows the user to take pictures of locations that has not been taken by other people. I liked the idea of crowd sourcing images from the internet, while using geotags to create a machine or process that can track your location.
My project will use geotagging and perhaps a GPS to track your location, and compile images of what other people has taken in the specific location you choose to take a picture at. So instead of taking a picture through your own lenses, you will take a picture through the lenses of all the people around the world who visited the place you are at. I am still unsure how exactly I want to display the final image, maybe put them through autopano or some other image processor. I am also debating on what the machine will look like physically, either using a Raspberry pi or making it mobile.